Opptakskrav Klipp Opptak BFA 2023

Our school currently offers BFA (three years) and MFA (two years) program in Norwegian, and any Scandinavian speaking applicants are welcome to apply.

Opptakskrav klipp

Velkommen som søker til klippelinjen ved Den norske filmskolen!

1. Formell bakgrunn og CV

En detaljert beskrivelse av tidligere utdanning/studier.

Oppdatert CV som omfatter beskrivelse av søkers arbeidsoppgaver og ansvarsområder i profesjonelt arbeid i film, TV eller annen tilsvarende medievirksomhet.

We do not have any scholarships, diploma- or exchange programs, nor do we offer any language classes.

There is no tuition fee, but there are registration and semester fees. For 2019/2020 the fee is NOK 776 per semester.

If you wish to apply, you have to take Bergenstesten or the VOX test, and you can find all the information you need about it here (a B2 level in any of the other Scandinavian languages is also accepted).

If you need more information on how it is studying in Norway, you can find it here: https://www.studyinnorway.no/study-in-norway.

The next admission for BFA is in January 2021 and for MFA spring 2022.

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