Off Piste 2020

Off-Piste 2020

We are looking to curate an interdisciplinary group of 20 Norwegian creative professionals from a range of backgrounds. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about their work and are excited about the opportunities that VR might present for the practice. Prior experience with VR is absolutely not required.

Off Piste Final 01

Application deadline 13th September 2020. Find out more and apply here.

Over the course of seven days filmmakers joined by developers, artists, animators, musicians, makers and storytellers of all kinds will voyage from across Norway to a mountain-top hotel where they will develop original VR experiences and forge a community that will help shape Norway’s VR landscape.

A group of experienced international mentors, led by Mark Atkin and Tom Millen of Crossover Labs, will provide participants with in depth knowledge of the current VR landscape and the evolving language of VR storytelling.

Participants will form multi-disciplinary teams around project ideas which they will develop into a working prototype over the course of the lab. Members of each team will take on a variety of roles as they learn about the VR production process from ideation to funding to having a finished product.

Off Piste 2019

Off-Piste 2019

Off-Piste will take place at Ilsetra hotel north of Lillehammar in Norway. All participants on the lab will receive full board accommodation. Transport from Lillehammer to the hotel will be provided, however travel to Lillehammer must be arranged by attendees.

Each team will be assigned the necessary PC and each person their own VR equipment required to build their prototypes. It is recommended that participants also bring their own laptops plus any specialist equipment related to their practice (eg. audio equipment, drawing tablet, camera).

There is a course fee of 5000NOK for successful applicants to contribute to the lab costs.

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